Increasing Psychological Safety for
EKG Patients

A step-by-step guideline for EKG technicians

I designed this micro e-Learning concept training for EKG technicians working in the emergency room. The purpose of the training is to improve the quality of patient care by building a trusting relationship between the technician and the patient.

Responsibilities: Instructional design, e-Learning development, content writing, visual design

Tools used: Evolve, Adobe Photoshop, Canva


A Silicon Valley hospital is experiencing inconsistency with the quality of patient care during EKG examinations. Patients’ experiences differ depending on which technician is on-call. 


To ensure that all patients are receiving high-quality service, I developed a six-step micro-learning experience using the SAM model (evaulate-design-develop) to help technicians build rapport and develop psychological safety with their patients.


Research and Storyboard

I collaborated with an SME, a licensed EKG technician, to develop the content for this training. I asked the SME pre-planned interview questions to understand their work, and to identify information learners need to be successful. 

I then used the information to write the content detailing the six-step protocol around EKG patient care. We decided to keep the learning journey short and simple by providing digestible yet impactful chunks of information at each stage completed with example dialogue. The training ends with a self-assessment quiz of the main ideas.


I created my own themed template from scratch using the authoring tool Evolve. To create a visual theme of pastel colors and faceless people, I edited pre-existing graphics from Canva Pro in Adobe Photoshop. I made sure to promote racial diversity and representation by showcasing people with different skin tones and hair color, and challenging traditional gender roles.

Key Takeaways

This project was my introduction to Evolve. Evolve offers a lot more customizable options than Articulate Rise which made it a bit difficult to navigate at first; however, I enjoy the challenges that come with learning a new authoring tool, and it was rewarding to see what I was able to produce under new circumstances. 

I had a positive experience working with the SME to create this project. It was interesting to learn about the role of EKG technicians, and the impact they have on patients outside their technical expertise. Getting to learn about new topics and professions is one of the aspects I enjoy most about being an instructional designer.